Astăzi a avut loc Ceremonia de Acordare a Diplomelor pentru promoția 2023 la Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare Craiova, la care am fost invitați și ne-am bucurat să fim alături de colegii absolvenți, oferindu-le un premiu.
Felicitări, dragilor! Suntem mândri să fim colegi!
Why we get involved
Continuous learning is the key to doing amazing things in the world of technology. We want to be involved in education, preparing young people for the challenges and opportunities that awaits them in this innovative field, because the future can only belong to well-prepared individuals.
Un mesaj generic de la Ovidiu Baniaș
Netrom Software Company is a constant supporter of the Open4Tech summer school, offering courses covering a wide range of topics such as integrating ML algorithms into mobile applications, Kotlin application development, cybersecurity, etc. Computer science students have also had the opportunity to participate in the STL for Application Development course, part of the “NetRom 4 Students” initiative.
The partnership between the Faculty of Sciences and Netrom Software contributes to providing students with a detailed and comprehensive perspective on what professional software development entails.
The proven utility of the containers and algorithms provided by the STL in solving many problems was the main motivation for starting such an extracurricular course on STL for Competitive Programming and Software Development. With these goals achieved, students can improve their programming and algorithmic thinking skills, which are fundamental from an academic/school point of view, but also to realize the usefulness of the acquired knowledge in a practical/productive context.
Continuing and strengthening the strategic partnership with the Craiova educational and research institutions has always been a priority for NetRom and I thank them for that.